A free app available for iPhone and Android phones, SoilWeb provides users with in the field knowledge of the soil type wherever they are. This smartphone app is the evolution of the Web Soil Survey online tool, a website which allowed users to explore soil information. The app not only uses you smartphone GPS to give you all the text information about the soil series at your location, but it will also show a graphic of the soil horizon. Having data in-field while making various decisions about management options will help users make more informed choices and will save time from having to physically dig the land up to learn the area. This tool will be useful for farmers, range land managers, conservationists, and anyone who may be concerned with managing land.
Excavated area showing soil horizons by Andrew Koeser, International Society of Arboriculture, Bugwood.org |
Source Article:
A Smartphone App Provides New Way to Access Soil Survey Information