The Center for Invasive Species and Ecosystem Health taught an EDDMapS training workshop at Tift County High School last Tuesday. Fifteen AP Biology students participated in the workshop. Karan Rawlins, the Center's Invasive Species Coordinator, first showed the class a powerpoint on the most common invasive species in the area. Then, she took the class outside to find and map invasive species. Students found Chinese privet and honeysuckle all over the school campus. Lastly, Rawlins taught the students to upload the information into EDDMapS ( The workshop was a great success and the students were surprised to learn of the many invasives in their "own backyard". To learn more about EDDMapS workshops contact Karan Rawlins at 229-386-3298 or
Monday, November 1, 2010
EDDMapS Training Workshop at Local High School
The Center for Invasive Species and Ecosystem Health taught an EDDMapS training workshop at Tift County High School last Tuesday. Fifteen AP Biology students participated in the workshop. Karan Rawlins, the Center's Invasive Species Coordinator, first showed the class a powerpoint on the most common invasive species in the area. Then, she took the class outside to find and map invasive species. Students found Chinese privet and honeysuckle all over the school campus. Lastly, Rawlins taught the students to upload the information into EDDMapS ( The workshop was a great success and the students were surprised to learn of the many invasives in their "own backyard". To learn more about EDDMapS workshops contact Karan Rawlins at 229-386-3298 or