Thursday, August 18, 2011

EDRR Alert - Ravennagrass

Ravennagrass (Ripidium ravennae (L.) Trinius) was noticed by several sharp observers in the mid-Atlantic region who reported it in 2009, in time for it to be included in the 4th edition of the Plant Invaders book as one of the "Plants to Watch" (p. 130). If you spot this non-native plant outside of landscaped areas, please report your observation to MAEDN.
Ravennagrass, Ripidium ravennae
photo by  The Nature Conservancy Archive,
The Mid-Atlantic Early Detection Network or MAEDN is powered by EDDMapS.
Other images for Ravennagrass can be found at

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Swallow-wort Biocontrols Pass Test

"Entomologists Richard Casagrande and Heather Faubert helped rid a Rhode Island farm of cypress spurge, an invasive weed, in the late 1990s. The spurge is a pretty thing but a thug nonetheless, and poisonous to cattle. Their weapon: a cadre of hungry beetles, biocontrol agents so keyed into spurge they won’t eat anything else." excerpt from the article, Swallow-wort Biocontrols Pass Test, by Mary Woodson, Northeastern IPM Center. Read more about biocontrol for swallow-wort and the stringent tests any biocontrol agent must pass before it can be released to tackle harmful invasive plants.

The Cost of Invasive Species

Invasive non-native species cause harm to  native ecosystems. For example, the brown marmorated stink bug, introduced accidentally from Asia, has moved along the east coast of the United States. With no natural predators, the insects are able to multiply and feed on a wide variety of fruits and vegetables, damaging the farmer's crops and raising food prices for all of us. Read more about how much money is spent in our country controlling or managing invasive species in the US Fish & Wildlife Service blog.
Halyomorpha halys,  brown marmorated stink bug
photo by Gary Bernon, USDA APHIS,

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Asian Longhorned Beetle Awareness Month

August is Asian Long-horned Beetle Awareness Month!
 The Asian long-horned beetle is killing in America. Everyone can help to stop it. Learn the signs. Look for it. Report it. And Never move firewood. Always use locally grown and harvested firewood and untreated wood products.
Asian long-horned beetle, Anoplophora glabripennis
photo by Melody Keena, USDA Forest Service,
For more information BeetleBusters.Info
For more information on Asian long-horned beetle

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

EDDMapS Reporting for Laurel Wilt and Redbay Ambrosia Beetle

New for Florida, report laurel wilt, (Raffaelea lauricola) and redbay ambrosia beetle, (Xyleborus glabratus) in EDDMapS. Report sightings to
Redbay ambrosia beetle, Xyleborus glabratus
photo by Michael C. Thomas, Florida Department
of Agriculture and Consumer Services,
For more information on laurel wilt.
For more information on redbay ambrosia beetle.

Report laurel wilt or redbay ambrosia beetle in Georgia to your County Forester or your County Extension Agent.

In other regions report sightings to your County Extension Agent.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Emerald Ash Borer Predator Found

Cerceris fumipennis, wasp predator
of the Invasive Emerald ash borer.
Photo by Johnny N. Dell,
Read the article "Wasp may be key to saving ash trees" to find out more about this large stingless wasp, Cerceris fumipennis, which is a natural predator of the invasive species called emerald ash borer, Agrilus planipennis. The emerald ash borer is attacking ash trees in many areas across the United States and the invasive pest is spreading. Read the article written by Andrew Chave in AuburnPub.Com.
Remember to do your part to keep Emerald ash borer from spreading by always using local firewood and other untreated wood products.

West Nile Virus Is An Invasive Species

Vaccinate Horses for West Nile Virus Now

A third of horses infected with West Nile Virus will die;
 a third of those that survive will be paralyzed or have to be euthanized.
photo by Dave Powell,USDA Forest Service,
West Nile Virus is showing up early in Georgia this year.  Horses are highly vulnerable to this disease, and over a third of horses that get West Nile die.  There is no treatment.  If your horse has not already been vaccinated this year, call your veterinarian now and make an appointment to get the West Nile (and Eastern Equine Encephalitis) vaccination.
Photo by J. Kim Kaplan,
There is no West Nile vaccine for humans, so disease prevention must rely on avoiding mosquitoes.  Wear long sleeves, long pants, and insect repellent when outdoors.  Encourage your neighbors to pour out any standing water in the community (mosquito larvae can complete their development in less than a cup of water in a tin can).  Standing water that cannot be drained (ditches, for instance) can be treated with “mosquito dunks” or “mosquito donuts” (containing the non-toxic mosquito larva killer Bti).  Cut back bushes and shrubs to increase air flow around the home and discourage mosquito flight. 
West Nile Virus and the mosquitos which carry it are non-native
 and considered invasive because of the harm they cause
 to animals and humans in this country.
Photo by Susan Ellis,

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Managing the Spread of New Plant Invaders

Workshop being held at Harriman State Park, Island Park, Idaho on August 24, 2011. This workshop will present current projects and topics with a special emphasis on the early control of rush skeletonweed and Dyer's woad. Researchers and land managers will identify the key challenges and steps to protect north central Idaho from the spread of these plants. Safeguarding this region will also protect outlying areas including northeastern Idaho, southwestern Montana, and northwestern Wyoming. This workshop will refine our strategies and research to guide long-term investments in prevention and early control. reas including northeastern Idaho, southwestern Montana, and northwestern Wyoming. This workshop will refine our strategies and research to guide long-term investments in prevention and early control.
View the Agenda.
Click here to Register.
Directions to Harriman State Park.
Rush skeletonweed, photo from Utah State University Archive,