We are seeking images of shrubs that can be used (or suggested) to replace invasive species. You can forward them to us using the upload form at http://images.bugwood.org Please let us know if you have photos of any of the following species:
- Buxus microphylla (Japanese Boxwood cultivars)
- Callicarpa dichotoma (Purple Beautyberry)
- Cephalotaxus harringtonia (Creeping Plum Yew cultivars)
- Chamaecyparis pisifera (Japanese Falsecypress)
- Illicium henryi (Henry Anise Tree)
- Lagerstroemia indica (Crapemyrtle; dwarf and semi-dwarf forms)
- Loropetalum chinensis (Loropetalum white and red cultivars)
- Osmanthus x fortunei (Fortune's Osmanthus)
- Osmanthus heterophyllus (Holly Osmanthus)
- Prunus laurocerasus (English Laurel cultivars)
- Raphiolepis indica (Indian Hawthorne cultivars)
- Ternstroemia gymnanthera (Cleyera)
- Viburnum odoratissimum var. awabuki (Awabuki Viburnum)
- Viburnum utile (Service Viburnum)
- Viburnum macrocephalum (Chinese Snowball Viburnum)
- Viburnum setigerum (Tea Viburnum)
- Eubotrys racemosa (Sweetbells Leucothoe)
- Hypericum densiflorum (Bushy St. Johns-wort)
- Hypericum frondosum (Golden St. Johns-wort)
- Illicium parviflorum (Small Anise-tree)
- Pinckneya bracteata (Feverbark)